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Object Method Struct.sort

Returns a sorted array of the top level keys in a structure.
Sorts using alphabetic or numeric sorting, and can sort based
on the values of any structure element.
Struct.sort([string sortType,[string sortOrder,[string pathToSubElement]]]):array


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
sortType string  No define one of the following:
  • numeric: sorts numbers
  • text: sorts text alphabetically, taking case into account (case sensitive)
  • textnocase: sorts text alphabetically, without regard to case (case insensitive)
  • sortOrder string  No sort direction:
    _- asc (default): ascending (a to z) sort order
  • desc: descending (z to a) sort order
  • pathToSubElement string  No String or a variable that contains one