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Used with the cfchart and cfchartseries tags. This tag defines chart data points. Its data is submitted to the cfchartseries tag.


This tag may have a body.





The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
colorlist string No Applies if chartseries type attribute = "pie". Sets pie
slice colors.

Comma-delimited list of hex values or supported, named web
colors; see name list in the cfchart Usage section.

For a hex value, use the form "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or
A-F; use two pound signs or none. 
datalabelstyle string No Specifies the way in which the color is applied to the
item in the series:
- None = nothing is printed (default)
- Value = the value of the datapoint
- Rowlabel = the row's label
- Columnlabel = the column's label
- Pattern 
itemcolumn string No Name of a column in the query specified in the query
attribute; contains the item label for a data point to
markerstyle string No Applies to chartseries type attribute values line, curve
and scatter, and show3D attribute value no. 
paintstyle string No Sets the paint display style of the data series. 
query any No Name of CFML query from which to get data. 
seriescolor string No Color of the main element (such as the bars) of a chart.
For a pie chart, the color of the first slice.

Hex value or supported named color; see name list in the
cfchart Usage section.
For a hex value, use the form "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or
A-F; use two pound signs or none. 
serieslabel string No Text of data series label 
type string Yes Sets the chart display style 
valuecolumn string No Name of a column in the query specified in the query
attribute; contains data values to graph.