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Lucee Tag Reference
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The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
align string No Specifies the horizontal alignment of the media player. You can select from left, right, and center. 
autoplay boolean No A Boolean value that specifies if the media player must automatically play the FLV file on loading the CFM page 
bgcolor string No The background color of the media player specified as a Hexadecimal value or or a recognized color name, for example red. 
controlbar boolean No A Boolean value that specifies if you want to display the control panel for the media player 
delimiter string No delimiter used to separate urls in source attribute, default is comma 
fullscreencontrol boolean No Whether full screen is enabled 
height numeric No Height of the media player, in pixels. 
hideborder boolean No A Boolean value that specifies if you want a border for the media player panel 
hidetitle boolean No If true, displays the title. 
image string No image displayed when movie is stopped 
load boolean No if set to true, start loading before play was pressed. 
name string No Name of the media player. the name attribute is required when you invoke JavaScript functions. 
oncomplete string No Custom JavaScript function to run when the FLV file has finished playing. 
onload string No Custom JavaScript function to run on loading of the player component. 
onstart string No Custom JavaScript function to run when the FLV file starts playing. 
printjscontrols boolean No it set to true, all possible JS Controls ar printed after the video. 
quality string No The quality of the media playback (only used for flash fallback) 
source any Yes The URL (absolute or relative to the current page) to the movie files, supported formats are (mp4,ogg,webm). not every Browser supports the same format, define as many formats possible. You can define the urls as string list or as array 
style string No  
title string No Title for the video, if not set, the video file name is used. 
width numeric No Width of the media player, in pixels. 
wmode string No Specifies the absolute positioning and layering capabilities in your browser