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Provides a programmatic interface to the scheduling engine. You can run a specified page at scheduled intervals with the option to write out static HTML pages. This lets you offer users access to pages that publish data, such as reports, without forcing users to wait while a database transaction is performed in order to populate the data on the page.


This tag can't have a body.


This tag is also supported within cfscript


The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
action string Yes - delete: deletes the specified task
  • update: updates an existing task or creates a new task, if one with the name specified by the task attribute does not exist
  • run: executes the specified task
  • list: list all scheduled tasks defined
  • pause: pause execution of the defined scheduled task
  • resume: resume execution of a paused scheduled task 
  • enddate any No The date when the scheduled task ends. 
    endtime any No The time when the scheduled task ends. Enter a value in seconds. 
    file string No Required with publish ='Yes' A valid filename for the published file. 
    hidden boolean No if set to true the scheduled task is not displayed in the Lucee Administrator. 
    interval string No Required when creating tasks with action = 'update'. Interval at which task should be scheduled.
    Can be set in seconds or as Once, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. The default interval is one hour. The
    minimum interval is one minute. 
    operation string No The type of operation the scheduler performs when executing this task. 
    password string No Password if URL is protected. 
    path string No Required with publish ='Yes' The path location for the published file. 
    paused boolean No if set to true the scheduled task is paused. 
    port any No The port number on the server from which the task is being scheduled. Default is 80. When used
    with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that specify a port number are automatically resolved
    to preserve links in the retrieved document. 
    proxypassword string No Password to provide to the proxy server. 
    proxyport any No The port number on the proxy server from which the task is being requested. Default is 80. When
    used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that specify a port number are automatically
    resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. 
    proxyserver string No Host name or IP address of a proxy server. 
    proxyuser string No User name to provide to the proxy server. 
    publish boolean No Specifies whether the result should be saved to a file. 
    readonly boolean No if set to true the scheduled task can not be modified or deleted in the Lucee Administrator. 
    requesttimeout any No Customizes the requestTimeOut for the task operation. Can be used to extend the default timeout
    for operations that require more time to execute. 
    resolveurl boolean No Specifies whether to resolve links in the result page to absolute references. 
    returnvariable string No return variable name of action list 
    serverpassword string No allow you to access filesystem, also when access is denied for your context 
    startdate any No Required when action ='update'. The date when scheduling of the task should start. 
    starttime any No Required when creating tasks with action = 'update'. Enter a value in seconds. The time when
    scheduling of the task starts. 
    task string No The name of the task to delete, update, or run. 
    url string No Required when action = 'update'. The URL to be executed. 
    username string No Username if URL is protected.