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Lucee Tag Reference
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The cfzipparam tag is always a child tag of the cfzip tag. see tag zip for more details.


This tag can't have a body.


This tag is also supported within cfscript


The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
charset string No Converts string content into binary data before putting
it into a ZIP or JAR file. Used only when cfzip
action="zip" and the cfzipparam content is a string.
Examples of character sets are:
UTF-16 (optional, default=encoding of the host machine) 
content any No Content written to the ZIP or JAR entry. Used only when cfzip action="zip".
Valid content data types are binary and string. If you specify the content
attribute, you must specify the entrypath attribute. 
entrypath string No Pathname used:
For cfzip action="zip", it is the entrypath used. This is valid only
when the source is a file. The entrypath creates a subdirectory within
the ZIP or JAR file.
For cfzip action="unzip", it is the pathname to unzip.
For cfzip action="delete", it is the pathname to delete from the
ZIP or JAR file. 
filter any No Optional filter. Can be either a wildcard filter,
e.g. "m*", or a UDF/Closure which accepts the file/directory name and returns a boolean value to indicate
whether that item should be included in the result or not. 
filterdelimiters string No Optional when passing a filter pattern. This value is used as a delimiter for the patterns.
Default is the pipe "|" character. 
prefix string No String added as a prefix to the ZIP or JAR entry. Used only
when cfzip action="zip". 
recurse boolean No Recurse the directory to be zipped, unzipped, or deleted,
as specified by the cfzip parent tag. (optional, default=yes) 
source string No Source directory or file. Used only when cfzip action="zip".
Specified file(s) are added to the ZIP or JAR file:
If you specify source attribute for the cfzip tag, the
cfzipparam source is relative to it.
If you do not specify a source attribute for the cfzip
tag, the cfzipparam source must be an absolute path.